When traveling internationally having a reliable phone with accessible data can be very critical to your journey. While being on your phone too much can distract from your trip, essential phone function is a must for a smooth voyage. With a bunch of different abroad bundle programs here are two that I’ve personal use and recommend!
International Data Plans
When I moved to the Dominican Republic, I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile to gain access to international data. After my own research I found that it was the best and most cost efficient international data on the market. The standard plans starts at 50/month with unlimited talk and data and you can use your phone’s data internationally without extra cost.

I heavily relied on this plan when in the DR. I had data throughout the country, even in some remote places. This is because T-Mobile uses local cell towers
in other countries providing you with a strong signal. It truly became a life saver in an emergency situation where help was needed fast. My phone was the only functional one and we were able to call the ambulance. To this day I am thankful to have T-Mobile and it definitely a good option for long term international travel.
E-Sim Cards
Using an E-sim card can also be a very viable, fast and easy option. On my most recent trip to Europe, I used the app Airalo for international data. It was very fast and easy to install, also to reload more data when needed. I would definitely suggest using this app or something like it because you don’t have to deal with the hassles of turning on international data and fees from your carrier, you just buy packets of 1G, 3G or 5G, select the country you’re traveling to then use and reload them as you will!
In all, international travel has been made easier with cell phones and you should have an idea of how you are going to have accessibility on your trip before you disembark. For short term trips I suggest using an E-sim Card. For longer stays and good value, I recommend using T-Mobile services.