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'Do a Good Turn'

A motto from my the summer camp where I spent many years of my childhood. But what does it mean? It means to me to do good or choose good. Doesn't have to be amazing, but good. And what is 'good'? Subjective and relative but not to a big extent. We know when we choose good. We can feel it.

Good energizes us. Last weekend, I was reminded that. For Earth Day, I met up with other Returned Peace Corps Volunteers for a clean up day! This as my first time participating in a RPCV activity in my home state as well. It was great, even though the weather was not. But one comment that really stuck out to me was made by Sussie. Sussie, who served in the 70's and organized our group. We were talking and she said, "activities likes these really energize me!" And I couldn't have agreed more. Even though the weather was rough and its a group of people who might not know each other, doing good brings us together. And at any age it gives us energy.

That buzz we get when we do right, lets become addicted to it! Do good and relish in your happiness. Do the good action and focus on the energy you receive. Also remember, choosing or doing good isn't about the after reactions. We didn't do a city clean up day because we expect the city to hold a favor for us. We didn't do it, for leverage or ego either. We cleaned because it was a good turn to do.


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